Getting and taking care of your tattoo can be a breeze! Here’s How:


  • Drink water! If your’e not hydrated, your body cannot perform its best. You may feel tired, have muscle cramps or have dizziness. So, if you’re dehydrated you may heal slower.

  • Moisturize! Your skin will heal better if its moisturized

  • Come Well-Rested! Being well-rested is important for most physically draining activities. If you’re tired, getting tattooed will not be fun.

  • No Alcohol! Drinking alcohol is dehydrating to your organs and skin.

  • NO SUN! No sun exposure or tanning beds. I will NOT tattoo sunburned or sun damaged skin. Self-tanner also affects your skin, so hold off on that as well.

Day Of

  • Eat Well! Please don’t get tattooed on an empty stomach. Your nerves and blood sugar can do funny things to your body when those endorphins kick in.

  • Bring a drink! Water is preferable. Stay hydrated!

  • No exercise! Work outs can cause swelling and muscle discomfort.

  • Hands Off the Tattoo! Please do NOT touch your new tattoo with unclean hands.

  • Dress for the Tattoo Where will your tattoo be going? Make sure you wear comfortable clothing that can also allow easy access for your tattoo to be applied. There are many ways to not be overexposed for certain tattoos as well. Yes, you can even bring a blanket. We’ll be spending some time together, make yourself at home.

  • Breathe! I get it, you’re in pain and you want to hold your breath, but it will make you a lot more uncomfortable. Finding a natural breath will allow your body more control and keep you relaxed and muscles less tense.



  • Leave bandage on for at least 1-2 hours.

  • Take bandage off. Wash thoroughly with clean hands and warm soapy water using antibacterial soap such as dial.

  • apply lotion to moisturize your tattoo. Please use a white unscented lotion such as Lubriderm or Cera Ve. Rub it in all the way to moisturize your tattoo.

  • Repeat washing and moisturizing your tattoo morning, mid day, and evening as long as necessary.

  • It is normal for your tattoo to peel, itch, flake, form small red bumps, swell, and become sore.


  • Leave Saniderm on for no more than 4 consecutive days (this will vary). Saniderm is water proof.

  • It is normal for Saniderm to fill with plasma, ink and blood (generally enough to fully cover the tattoo, until no longer visible). LEAVE IT ALONE. This is the point. To remain moisturized in the body’s natural lubricant. REALLY TRY AND LEAVE THIS ON FOR A MINIMUM OF 2 DAYS.

  • When removing Sandierm, run warm water over the area and slowly peel off starting from the corner with clean hands. This may hurt a little which is totally normal.

  • Remove Saniderm if there is a puncture in the plastic, or edges have rolled up exposing the tattoo.

  • Proceed with regular healing process once you remove the Saniderm.

  • If you experience redness around the Saniderm that lasts longer than a couple of days, you may be having a slight reaction to the adhesive on the bandage. You can remove the Saniderm if you feel like you’re having a reaction. You know your body than anyone.


I have been getting tattooed for 20 years. All of the above mentioned steps are ones I personally take to ensure my tattoo experience will be a great one. There are many ways to heal a tattoo and I can only give an opinion on what I know works for me.